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Airhead Xtremes

The BEST tasting thing you will ever taste Idc if you don't think so. Airheads Xtremes please take me LORD I belong with the angels that blessed me with the taste of salvation.

Guy 1: Dude I just bought a bag of Airhead Xtremes!
Guy 2: No shit? Fr? Give me some!

by The Chubby Pope of Maryland September 24, 2021


Imagine the dumbest person you know. Multiply by 4, there's your airhead.

Tim: So, Cassie, want to go grab some dinner?
Cassie: Why would we grab our dinner? I want to eat mine.
Tim: what an airhead.

by Loveandchocolate May 28, 2015


A fucking retard who doesn’t know anything.

When he made that retarded comment, I knew he was an airhead

by That certain someone April 22, 2019

1👍 2👎


stupid/unintelligent human beings ; usually named sydney, sofia and julianna

Omg did u see those airheads juuling ugh

by pupu girl March 4, 2018