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A no-brainer in terms of either occupational safety or overall health safety standards

Don't be idiotic enough to get wasted and then take to the wheel of a motor vehicle; I mean it's an occupation-brainer in terms of common sense safety standards, no?

by Sexydimma January 27, 2015


The insanely rare "Simpleton-Brainer" is so rare it should be kept in a wildlife zoo with all possible restraints attached to avoid any unnecessary accident from evolving in it's chaotic environment. Anything below very high level smooth-boys should never be allowed in the near proximity or even visual reach from this monster, let alone manage and take care of it. Conveying this beast away from it's own misery is considered impossible by expert smooth scientists. So we're told to simply spectate and let it be.

Who peed on the dog again?, it must be the simpleton-brainer.

by Smoothbrainer69 October 22, 2020