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This, is a dorf. A dorf is when you are being really awesome and cool

You are acting like a dorf right now

by trillint February 10, 2021



DORF! And you?

by forkman69 May 2, 2021


When you are home alone and fall asleep after a particularly vigorous wanking session, cock in hand and fruity materials spread around, only to be awoken by the sound of the front door closing meaning that someone has been in the house but you don't know who or if you were discovered...

My mate pulled a Dorf and can't now look his Dad in the eye...

by matesoctagon December 12, 2018


Dorf- A humanoid being too short to be a midget and too tall to be a dwarf. Yet still have all there chromosomes unlike there shorter class of humans the dwarf. Yet still odd and scary.

Man that chick is so short she could be a dorf.

by Jinxyjewjew5150 December 22, 2017


A person who acts very unusual while under the effects of a particular type of alcohol. The name comes from the person attempting to say the word "dork" but messing up at the very end.

Tim: "Man I wish Early would ease up on the shine a little. It's a pain seeing him being such a dorf all the time."

by Master chunks July 12, 2021

Dorf Volk

Dorf Volk is a neo nazi Village People tribute group formed in Eisenhuttenstatt, East Germany in 1997. "Dorf Volk" is a literal translation of "Village People" into german.

Their on-stage costumes depict different stereotypical racists (klansman, stormtrooper, skinhead, white supremicist, etc.). They perform nazi versions of the catchy original Village People tunes: their version of "YMCA" features "NSDAP" sung in the chorus, "In the Navy" has been changed to "In the Kriegsmarine" (german navy of WW2) and "Go West" becomes "Go East" with lyrics about the german invasion of the Soviet Union. Their principal audience is found in small east german towns with a high NPD (nazi party) vote.

Listening to Screwdriver and Bohse Onkelz can get boring after a while that's why I always have a Dorf Volk CD in my car on the long drives to the Nazi rallies.

by bitchmasterb October 26, 2010

Dinkel Dorf

Noun. A person or something alive that has qualities that of cute or dorky or even both. Can also be used as a nickname.

"Your such a dinkel dorf, but your my dinkel dorf."
"I just just a new garden gnome. I think I'll call him Dinkel Dorf."
"Theres some dinkel dorf waiting for you outside."
"My dogs a dinkel dorf"

by Commons November 1, 2018