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An individual who kills a joke by attempting to make it funnier.

'You just geebed so hard man omg'. Or, 'Omg your such a geeb'

by the og wanka March 17, 2017


A Term used to describe a ghetto ass gravity bong made from two water bottles by Nick Merianos.

Guy 1: Hey Nick, can you pass some of that water?

Nick: This is my geeb, my dude.

by SamosSage July 16, 2018


When you roll a gram joint

“Yo you tryn smoke a lil geeb”

“Ya I’ll match”

Fs 2 will get us stoned

by Locshmokes February 21, 2021


Gay Peep

man i love that geeb

by boob-face-mageee May 8, 2021

Geeb master

The ultimate geeb master(two-airway water bottle dropped into a slightly larger glass of water: when "weed" is lit on fire causing the most sexy weed pull known to mankind). His geeb pull ranking is over his girlfriends.

My bf is the Geeb master

by notpoop December 6, 2022

Geeb Rader

The guy who rips fat geebs at the party then gets in trouble with his lady. Later proceeds to eat her out on the beacht o calm her then goes back to rip another geeb with the boys.

Geeb Rader jsut came, get the geeb ready!

by DinoNuggetGB October 17, 2022