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Impulse Deposit

The sudden feeling of pressure to deposit money back into your bank account when buying something that costs a large sum of money, otherwise known as an Impulse Buy. Can occur to many people, yet many times by college students on a restricted budget.

Wal-Mart Cashier: That'll be 42$!
Me: Gosh, that's a lot! All I have are some simple groceries. Not enough in my pocket to give you so I'll have to use my card.
*Swipe Card and transact money*
-->After finished paying, goes to SunTrust inside Wal-Mart<--
Teller: Can I help you?
Me: Yes, I just spent 42$ of my money to buy groceries, and many of those things were impulsive buys so I'm going to make an "Impulse Deposit"!

by Matt - UCF Knight '12 September 9, 2010

Impulsive misspeller

One that can't spell impulsive

Megan Hartman is an impulsive misspeller

by megan_heart December 31, 2011

impulsive trader

a person who trades adopt me pets without thinking it through. this often leads to regret

“i used to have a turtle in adopt me, i impulsively traded it and i have now downgraded. i call myself an impulsive trader”

by editorfanpage April 8, 2023

impulse grenade

a grenade/ugly girl with a fat ass.

hey look jerry it’s a grenade. tom, she has a gyatt that’s an impulse grenade

by stkprism July 14, 2023

Impulse decisions


Fuck: you made a choice without thinkin now you regret it. Impulse decisions

by NunbutTruth January 27, 2022