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kb gang

a gang of 15-25 year olds who run the streets of Gordon but can be found terrorising all over the north shore. infamous for gate crashing parties and gettin in fights. at one stage the largest, most notorious gang of the north shore but has slowed down in recent years. although they are still far from a group to be taken lightly and if givin the opportunity they will bash you.

do not go to gordon, thats the kb gang territory

"hey man, what happened to your face"
"i asked a kb member for directions and he bashed me"

r u down with the kb? man ur crazy

by M. Carter June 22, 2008

109πŸ‘ 38πŸ‘Ž


KB Mike is the most underrated artist in the world. He is so sweet and goofy asl. He understands people pain and turns it into lyrics or it could even be his pain. His music is so calming and it’s like my happy place the only thing is I get in my feelings but feel great after. Another thing about this man he toxic but it’s okay tho I like him for him brotherly wise. This is literally my πŸ’œ in brotherly form. Talking to him also makes my day he will text back depending on what he says. He also in a relationship and I need people to respect that. All this just came from my heart-LeleπŸ’œ

Umm I don’t know what to put for this

But follow KB Mike on Instagram @kbmikee_

by KB Mike May 7, 2021

KB Special

When having sex doggy style, when the guy is about to ejaculate, he pulls out and then proceeds to spit on the girls back so that she turns around, and blows it right in her eye.

I was boning some hoe and i did a KB Special.

by Mike Rithgen June 16, 2007

15πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž

85 kb

If you're using a file sharing program or a torrent website, NEVER download a file that's 85 kb. It's always a virus (true story).

If you download an 85 kb torrent, your computer will be fucked into oblivion with viruses.

by aaaaaaaaaddsds November 7, 2008

6πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


adj/noun- a person who is mean and rude to someone else for no reason(and realy ugly and fat)

1. Is that Kb person in a fight angain?2. Whats with Kb's ugly sweater today?

by Laura January 6, 2005

10πŸ‘ 213πŸ‘Ž


the tightest gangsta around from the dsb rap group. he smokes, drinks, and fucks all day. a true OG, a role model to everyone....lives a few houses down from me and comes to the Smith Farm park and i hang out with him alot

When i grow up, i wanna be exactly like ma dawg KB. Everything he does is just great for humanity and he is just my role model and is a true original gangsta. Shoutouts KB.....your a livin legend.

by Justin March 16, 2005

7πŸ‘ 142πŸ‘Ž


KB/M or KB-M means keyboard and mouse. Generally used online or text.

Person 1: "Dude, do you play your fps games with KB/M or controller?"
Person 2: "KB/M, it's far superior then controllers in fps games."

by ItsADoggyDogWorld July 24, 2018

18πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž