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Laney is a really funny, happy person. She is very passionate about the things she loves, and she loves having people around her. She's always open to new friends, and she's genuinely happy with herself. People love Laney, and they want to be by her side! She may be shy at first, but she's very joyful and honest once you get to know her. People often find her hilarious, and she's a very fun person to be around.

Person 1: Hey, is that your sister? She's really funny!
Person 2: Yeah, her name's Laney!"

by Smartie_427 September 19, 2022


A Laney is You're a true entertainer, you like to be the center of attention, and you have a big heart. You're an over-thinker who doesn't like to sit still, which means most of your day is spent procrastinating on a task that should only take 15 minutes to complete. Still, you've accomplished a lot in life and are driven by success. You see the best in people and desperately want to be liked by everyone. Even if it may take some time, you eventually win most people over because of your kind and well-meaning tendencies. You are not a softie if someone is being bullied or something bad happens you will take them down, you are a out going women that can’t live without being loved.

Girl 1:Who’s that

Girl 2: that’s Laney she would be a good friend you should talk to her
Dude 1: wow she’s hot

Dude 2: yea you should watch out tho she not to mess with

by BbBbRrRrOoOoOo July 24, 2022


Laney is the kind of girl you’d star gaze with through your sunroof, or the one who’d draw cute shapes in the fog on you windows. Typically a Taylor Swift fan, known for being exceptionally beautiful in all aspects of life. If you don’t have a Laney in your life, you need one.

Laney is literally perfect!

by Kekefully November 23, 2021


Laneys are wonderful and I think everyone should have one in their lives. I think I’m so blessed to have one in my life. They can get pretty wild but are still wonderful role models. They are also drop dead gorgeous. I have never seen a prettier girl in my life. Laneys value their friends and family. I have been friends with a Laney for 12 years. They are amazing and she still surprises me to this day. I think if you have a Laney in your life don’t pass on the opportunity. Get to know them, they are really nice and interesting. I think Laneys are the ideal best friend. Go find you a Laney in your life!

Girl 1: have you seen that girl named Laney

Girl 2: yeah I wish I was just like her!

by Ur bestie November 24, 2021


A parson that loves edamame more than life and will put sriracha on your sandwich without permission.

“God I love edamame
Psh not as much ac Laney she LOOOOVES it”

“Hey who put sriracha on my sandwich”
“Oh definitely Laney she would”

by Bulma September 25, 2021

dirty laney

someone who shoves their skin peeling feet into partners rear end.

I did a dirty laney last night

by Hankleton July 9, 2022

seth laney

turbo virgin tactical nigga

"holy shit its seth laney (throwup emoji)" "i hear he gets no bitches!"

by epic man sam November 24, 2021