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Massive Coward Karen And Yes-man.

Bootlicker, phoney, creepy, ass grabber.

Person 1: Dude, what is that guy's deal? Why is he so obnoxious?

Person 2: Steer clear of him, he tries real hard to seem straight, but he is a berry tickler of the highest degree.

Person 1: he seems a know-it-all

Person 2: yeah, he and his lady think think are smarter than everyone. Truth is they're just a couple lying hypocrites. He is definitely a Mckay.

Person 1: (laughs hysterically) NICE !!(high fives Person 2) cmon brush, let's bounce.

Person 2: Fo sho

by Dip_shipp February 14, 2022


The literal act of taking or being shit

"Man I just took the biggest Mckay of my life in that womens restroom."

by Definatelynotmyrealname669 April 16, 2019


A gay cunt who fucks dogs cats and his own mum

P.s he also doesn’t have cock

McKay is gay

by Churrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr June 28, 2020