Source Code

A station that allows propaganda in order to turn everyone into mindless Republicans

Fox News

Fox News is A station that allows propaganda in order to turn everyone into mindless republicans

by Giovanni Mann May 26, 2009

17👍 9👎

Unintelligent ignorant dance brainless mindless foolish dull slow simple minded empty head vapid idiotic moronic imbecile brain fungus

Bro you were so goddamn fucking stupid then I had to pull out the goddamn dictionary to understand how fucking stupid you are

Unintelligent ignorant dance brainless mindless foolish dull slow simple minded empty head vapid idiotic moronic imbecile brain fungus Is defined as “This man is so fucking stupid, that it is nearly impossible to understand how fucking stupid he is”

by theGuythatHasAbrain May 26, 2022

5👍 4👎

Mindless Trogging

Completing mindless, repetitive tasks in the early stages of World Of Warcraft gameplay (such as killing numerous Troggs) in order to complete quest orders, earn currency and level up your character.

I started a new character last night and was doing mindless trogging until 6am so I could buy him some better armor and weapons.

by hngryGenghis October 12, 2010

mindless grinding

Mindless grinding, usually a mundane task requiring little effort. Done over and over and over to achieve a goal.

I'm out here mindless grinding this lake to get burn his krol blade

by Grimey savages April 22, 2021

mindless motion

when the government tries to waste your time through things that can't benefit your personhood.

The mindless motion made less than .1 percent of the world's population historical.

by Coop Dupe November 27, 2019


The act of having no mind

Friend:” have you seen Jake
Me:” no”
Friend:” he’s so mindlessness”

by A guy124 July 6, 2021

Mindless Munch

To eat something (usually snacks) without actively thinking about it.

"Oh my lord, I gotta stop eating these, I've just been mindless munching for a hour."

by Mimic_ June 13, 2023