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Please stop harassing my son on facebook

used by women who hate far left truth.

Stop or i will please stop harassing my son on facebook you
me: oh no! who asked!

by coolperson9293 May 15, 2023

i love my sons

i love the fuck out of my sons keep scrolling

i love my sons and thats the tea

by 1dhoe February 22, 2018

Pin in my son

A very weird person that doesnt know proper grammer and is very short.

That pin in my son makes me want to commit arson

by Sparklemeywr November 11, 2020

Not In My Son Syndrome

The phenomenon where parents who, despite initially stating their hypothetical acceptance in the case their children are LGBTQ, immediately reject their children based on their identity.

Mother (in 2010) to her 14 year old son: "I'll accept you for who you are!"
That same son (in 2013): "Mom, I'm gay."
Mother (in 2013): "Get the fuck out of my house."
This is a textbook example of Not in my Son Syndrome occuring.

by acandletimer September 9, 2022