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She's the worst person you will ever meet. Literally so sarcastic it will make you want to kill yourself.

I fucking hate Paloma.

by unrealbeam October 14, 2021


something that is used to describe terible or discusting things that exist

ur homeboy: gawd dam, that was so paloma of you bish
your enemy: ikr im such a paloma

by Z3R0_UR.M0M September 29, 2022

Kiev Paloma

Created at The Rockhill Grille (Kansas City)in a mostly empty bar in the late afternoon of March 26th, 2023. Also referred to as “The Ted Nugent Special”

I am downing Kiev Palomas which is appropriate given the current geo political climate. Ted Nugent would be pissed.

by PhoggyAllen March 26, 2023