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When a lady has sex with a sheep .lesbians scissor. Woman and sheep do shearing

That’s gross did you see that lady shearing yesterday?

by Don’t look under the bed May 22, 2023


Reducing your computer's memory usage by ending unnecessary tasks, freeing up resources to be used by other applications.

Also known as Shaving Off RAM

Holy shit! Windows 7 is taking up 1.5 gigabytes of RAM. That mofo needs shearing!

by cranioDan11 February 28, 2012

1👍 3👎


Scissoring between a man and woman, when a woman’s vagina and man’s asshole rub each other

Hey man did you know Carl and Ashlyn enjoy shearing

by H3llawts September 3, 2023


Spears-shear: (Verb) To shave one's head in fear of a court ordered hair sample drug test.

Donkey: "Pot, should it be legal, or no? Thoughts?"

Ochris: "Legal, obviously."

Bustya: "Ochris are you fucking insane? We can't legalize that shit. That's my leverage to force my wife to Spears-shear that head before court. Get your fucking priorities straight."

by Bustya Lipbitch April 25, 2008

Rusty Shears

When two elderly dikes are in a sexual relationship

I saw a lot of Rusty Shears at the retirement home

by jack_fb ttv March 1, 2023