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Vietnamese gang kids. The term is ironic; derived from the fact that yetis are usually short, not so hairy and have small feet.

Lina: In the middle of me belting out a Mariah number at 'rokes (kareoke) a dozen or so yetis showed up. They shot two people and the fish in the fish tank.

Thuan: They shot the fish? That's cold.

by Miss Tang November 7, 2005

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when one man(or hairy woman) pulls up their shirt and sticks their hary armpit in the face of a friend(or mortal enemy) and holds it there until it seems as though they will pass out.

"hey Bill, do you want a yeti?"
"what's that?"
"this" (pulls shirt up and gives yeti)

by Brad FFF June 16, 2007

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The Yeti

The act of ejaculating in your partners chest, then ripping off her pubic hairs and placing them where the baby yoghurt was splattered on, then make your partner scream and run around in circles shrieking like a Yeti.

''Man, i gave that prostitute the Yeti last night!''

by pinaz October 11, 2008

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It's what I call my own pet (unfit mother) Abominable Snowmum. I get one all to myself, aren't I lucky? It was worth watching Suburban Mayhem just to see my own 'best in show' pet Yeti's biography on screen...

Anything you can insert the word mother into. "Hang on, don't we have to go to Yeti's for Christmas?" ... "Why, I haven't bothered for the last 5"...

<therapist to me> "Now, let's talk about Yeti"...

by scott_the_son_of_a_yeti January 5, 2007

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a beat and usually fat freshman girl on your bus that never shuts the hell up.

The yetis never shut the hell up.

by the heezy deezy September 13, 2006

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a very hairy person who thinks they're the shit when they're the suckiest friend on planet earth.

omg look at that yeti its alyssa !

by somebody who despises yetis July 11, 2008

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A female(ugly) who is abundant in the area of hair. Whether it be facial, armpit or a all over type of deal.

That girl RoseMary, she is a goddamn yeti!!!

by Fernando G April 5, 2005

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