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ambiguous white privilege

A person has ambiguous white privilege when they are confirmed by a DNA test as European, but, usually in the US, they are thought to be mixed, middle eastern, Mexican, etc. Usually happens to individuals of black Irish descent.

Megan Fox has ambiguous white privilege due to her looks. However, it seems not to matter too much as she’s a celebrity/

by Purplenado March 5, 2023


"wishy washy"

- Mr Simpson 2023

that guy was speaking in an ambiguous kind of wishy washy way

by srfhetywrnaehgwe435eu67urtehsb June 7, 2023

Ambiguous Thing

a person who looks like they snuck onto the earth and came from area 52, this person needs to be investigated and researched immediately, this person is not special whatsoever.

"ewww look at her, what an ambiguous thing"

by speicalzzzzz October 23, 2023

Ambiguous Thing

Someone who snuck onto the earth and because of that research needs to be done on the thing immediately. the thing is not special whatsoever

"have you seen that girl over there."
"Yes! What an ambiguous thing"

by speicalzzzzz October 23, 2023