Source Code


Daniel Carroll's Voice.

he spoke with a croak.

by diabeticduck May 4, 2016


When you fuck a female too hard she makes a croaking sound like a frog

"Did you hear about Ashely last night?" "oh, I made her Croak"

by BENNYBOI109 January 22, 2021


To die or od (overdose)from drugs

Popping the 30s I hope I don’t croak . LL bruh off the fent he croaked

Croaking ,croarked all different ways to use croak which is (dmv slang ) how people from dc,Maryland Virginia basically say od or overdose

by Bandupgang56 April 28, 2024

croaked my frog

post-sex drip that leaks a puddle all over the sheets

he came then I croaked my frog all over the bed

by snailtrail07 December 23, 2020

Ribby And Croaks

Robby And Croaks is the third boss in cuphead, The first phase is ribby and croaks attacking you, Croaks will throw out flying punches and Ribby will spit little fire imps. the second phase, ribby will blow you to croaks, and croaks will shoot planet looking things. The third phase is a slot machine that throws coins at you, parry the fist to start attacking him, you can get the snake, which you jump on green platforms, the bull, which you dodge fire, and the tiger. Which you dodge orange balls.

Yo did u beat Ribby And Croaks?
Yes he was mad easy

by Game Boss Reviewer March 28, 2022