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a shitty part of the east coast full of ghetto whores w loose pussy and try hard boys who try to become SoundCloud rappers

fuck the dmv

by Staringproblem?? July 24, 2022

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DMV Line

This is a place that should only be compared to hell. You have to wait in a line that will take the same time to get to the front as Best Buy on Black Friday

I’ve seen some people go in and come out a week later in the DMV Line

by Joe mama 123123 November 29, 2019

Dmv fly girl

some of the baddest bitches that get fly , stay cute, and be on their shit !

damn she fine asl and can dress she a dmv fly girl

by that dmv flyy jointt June 12, 2023

dmv steppas

goofy ass ppl from virginia who think they big

Are we DMV steppas

by eaya__ May 15, 2024

dmv trapper

a dmv trapper is a thug who live in the dmv, (dc, maryland, virginia) they wear mostly designer and trendy clothes with a nike ski mask, some of the stuff they wear are balenciaga tracks, purple jeans, bape hoodies, white and black tees

he is a dmv trapper

by d8an924_oq September 8, 2024