Source Code


oml stands for oh mylung;
works exactly the same as omg

"he died"

by lucas200206 May 6, 2018


On my life

Kevin: Did you really walk out? Put that on something
Me: yea I put that oml

by Dezi101 May 25, 2018


oh my lord instead of saying oh my g*d which is a very common swear.

oml i just won the lottery !!

by spotlight ah moonlight ah June 10, 2022


Oh my lipstick

Madi: “that bitch said shit about you!”
Kendal: “oml she did not!”

by Morgan.k November 6, 2018


In texting oml is an abbreviation to represent the phrase Oh my lord. When texting it is meant to represent exclamation, not really used to accurately meet the definition of saying oh my lord out loud.

Oml hi everyone!
Oml really?

by lonelydonkey May 29, 2021

Omle shmollet

The noise you make when you stub your toe on the couch leg and the microwave beeps in the middle of the night.

“I got 10 seconds omle shmollet ( beep beep beep) this time I’m in trouble”.

by You booiiii February 6, 2020