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yaoi seller

a person who sells/gives yaoi or bl's to people for free or not. (like me)

Fangirl: You a yaoi seller?
Yaoi seller: Mhm.
Fangirl: I wanna buy something.
Yaoi seller: We are out of banana fish pillows and figurines.

by ThatYaoiSeller February 14, 2021

Scott Sellers

A middle schooler at pennridge south middle school. Very homosexual, does drug. Poggers


by ScottSellersHater November 16, 2020

game seller

Someone who ruins opportunities. An ugly ass wasteman.

Jack is such a game seller. He leaks all the information!!

by ok coco November 12, 2020


noun/1.prostitute or whore
woman who exchanges sex for money

Cindy:OMG I found an ad on craigslist written by Marsha- she's a flower-seller!!!!
Jan: Marsha? a flower-seller? she's way too much of a prude!

by sofarsopretty November 11, 2015

Social seller

A person in marketing (I.e Ross Pomerantz)

Ross is such a good social seller!

by Ljsticks February 2, 2022

Social seller

A person in marketing (I.e Ross Pomerantz)

Ross is a good social seller. He’s my favorite marketer

by Ljsticks February 2, 2022

Mac the Seller

When some is unusually terrible at the video game Apex Legends. They also tend to become extremely aggressive when being called this.

You are like Mac the Seller!

by Jsjsjssjaba a sbs May 1, 2024