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Suck your mum 😏

hey go sym bitch

by Unicack October 13, 2020


Shut your mouth

You talk too much Kevin just sym.

by Kel.kim January 11, 2022


Although commonly confused as ‘shut your mouth’ this short acronym actually means ‘suck your mum

Jim: your not a cool person
Jimmy: sym
Jim: I don’t have one- she died this morning
Jimmy: oh sorry
Jim: it’s fine
Jimmy: oh ok, sym

by Ploppuwoo September 8, 2020


The obsessive compulsive practice of making the sequence, pressure, and/or intensity of sensations match on both sides of the body, rubbing toes together or making every footstep have a symmetrical amount of pressure for example. This behavior is shared by both people who suffer from OCD and autism, the term for which has been coined by u/GoatsWithWigs after reaching out to r/autism with a comic depicting symming via toe flicking. Not to be confused with stimming.

Person A: Why are you tapping your feet on the ground?

Person B: Sorry, I was just symming. One foot tapped hard on the ground, so I had to tap my other foot just as hard to make my feet feel symmetrical

by Mel Goats June 24, 2022