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two girls, one stanley cup

A sexual act in which two girls mimic the time honored tradition of the wining hockey team drinking champagne out of the Stanley Cup, by inverting a male participant with his legs spread wide, thus creating a cup out of his anal orifice from which they will then urinate into and then drink out of, sometimes with a straw.

"Those girls roll dirty, I heard they like to perform the two girls, one stanley cup"

by Barney Stenson October 29, 2013

11πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

Two Girls One Cup

A cute little movie (meant for kids) about the two girls who are besties that go through a wicked wild experience when. They basically have to replace their cup before they get in big trouble by their parents. They find themselves on this journey, and this makes their friendship stronger.

Hey man, you should show your kid Two Girls One Cup. He loved it!

by Jackfatheroftwo May 15, 2022

1πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

You kill sound like one white girl ahlie

The words of a tramp called Nikki

β€œYou kill sound like one white girl ahlie” - use when ugly and insecure

by yubo group November 22, 2022

Shes one of those girls who think her crap dont stink.

a girl that thinks shes all that, and drags her boyfriend around and treats him badly

Julie: omgggggg did you see that girl
sammy: yeahh shes one of those girls who think her crap dont stink.

by K-ROTH January 21, 2007

18πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

Two girls one cup

A horrid video back in 2013 where two girls( who were lesbian) first started kissing, but the video became disturbing when they peed and pooped into one cup and drank it and spit it back into each others mouth, hence the name "Two girls one cup"

"Bruh, did you see Two Girls One Cup?"

by Syfxn July 2, 2021

That one girl

We all know "that one girl" who's is a complete fake, let's all be honest. This girl will create friendships with people and then completely ignore them as soon as you start getting close to her. She has no fear of being alone, and therefore takes no time to consider even TRYING to hold up a proper friendship with ANYONE who isn't some "head over heels in love with her" guy. And there are a LOT of those. She is flirty by nature, and doesn't even care when people tell her that it's wrong to be doing this to so many guys. Like- THEY HAVE FEELINGS YOU KNOW!!!??? It is so obvious that she couldn't care less about anyone but herself and couldn't dare think of how she is effecting others, as obviously the whole world revolves around her. She dumps guys as soon as they think they have a chance with her, saying that she now likes someone else, and then gets mad when they call her names and talk about her to their friends in a bad way. And yet, so many people still are obsessed with her and want to be friends with her. Ironic, isn't it.

Girl A: OMG "that one girl" keeps flirting with my crush!!!
Girl B: Ikr! It's actually so bad, like does she not realise that she has been flirting with half the guys in our grade already?
Girl A: Clearly not, and apparently a guy like four years older than her went to her house the other day!
Girl B: I'm honestly not even surprised.

by hehehahafefyfofum October 25, 2023