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whit yeh oan aboot?!

scottish slang meaning, what you on about? what do you mean? etc.

AWWWK, whit yeh oan aboot?! a diny git yeh mate!

by leanne- October 2, 2008

7๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

yeh tryin too hard

Thats just how it be. Ya simply just trying too hard

A word used to describe a person whose is very tense

Hey pal yeh tryin too hard

Friend: Am i really that tense

by Tourtles1274 October 19, 2020

nah nah nah yeh

When you want other people to be quiet so you can make a point in a heated argument.

Gavin: โ€œ I prefer Orange juice over Apple Juiceโ€
Stacey: โ€œNah nah nah yeh.. Apple juice is eliteโ€

by davehascraves May 18, 2021

1๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Big man tings yeh

When you are morbidly obese or very known around the block, everything you do is a Big man ting yeh so you are doing big man tings yeh.

Opp:Pull up bitch.
Big man:I'm comin big man tings yeh.

by Big man doing Big man tings February 2, 2021

6๐Ÿ‘ 39๐Ÿ‘Ž

iโ€™ll stab ye nan yeh?

usually an interaction between 2 or more brits, saying that one will stab the others man.

mate 1: american football not real football yeh?

mate 2: thereโ€™s no such thing as american football , you say that again iโ€™ll stab ye nan yeh?

by Carl-de-la-santos_sick January 18, 2021

Yeh that's right, I'm smarter than you!

A sentence said when you have either emasculated the person's lack of intelligence or have proved him or her wrong. That person in turn, once their intelligence is challenged to the depths of shitville, will pull the "Yeh that's right, I'm smarter than you!" when they attempt to prove you wrong in another fact of god knows what.

When the fucktard looses in an argument against someone, they will then be stumbled on that argument, thinking "fuck..I lost the game". They will then question you with an argument of something that is probably useless fucking knowledge to anybody.

Your computer has low RAM, your computer is slow as fuck and cannot run all that shit you have on your harddrive.

Yes it can, I just go delete my internet history and cache! Yeh that's right, I'm smarter than you!

2+2+2+2+2+2-2 x 0 isn't 0, if you knew about BEDMAS, you would know the order of operation of multiplication which would come first before addition or subtraction.

Oh yeh?!? Well my built-in calculator on my Windows 7 laptop says you are full of shit! Yeh that's right, I'm smarter than you!

(Police Officer) "Sir you were going way above the speed limit, I'm gonna have to impound your vehicle and take away your license"

Are you shitting me? My speedometer says otherwise asshole. Yeh that's right, I'm smarter than you! (gets head cracked open and cuffs smashed onto the skinny wrists)

by Apparently I'm not uber smart October 14, 2011

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Molly Yeh

The most famous chef a lot of people never heard of. Despite the background she gives the audience, she doesn't look part Chinese, and says her food punches above it's weight, but tries to make it sound playful as a defense mechanism. There's a difference between saying something you want to do to somebody in an indirect way, and actually starting a fight with someody or hitting them.

Molly Yeh seems more like someone that lies to a millenial audience that never met her in real life about every aspect of who she is as a person to make money off/take advntage of the oppurtunities their viewership/TV ratings provide her.

by The Original Agahnim June 7, 2021