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'The act of patiently waiting for an individual to turn eighteen, Typically through Instagram/Twitter dm's"

"Bro did you see that kid's dm, he's totally Draking!"

by RowanTheSmith March 31, 2023


(verb) to listen to nothing but rap artist Drake over an extended period of time.

Her: What are you up to?
Him: I'm just Draking before his concert next week.

by Neeks Q January 25, 2017


Draking is the act of leaving somebody on delivered for a while in a public messaging chat, typically Discord, and then responding a long time later, when you forgot the initial conversation.

Person 1: Hey how’s it going?
(Waits 2 hours)
Person 2: It’s going great, hru?
Person 1: Dude was draking me 💀

by spriggan. August 2, 2024

Drake Ho's

When you have a list of ho's, they are known as your Drake ho's. As the rapper Drake always has an entourage of ho's with him.

Which one of my Drake Ho's should I hit up tonight?

Did you see how many Drake Ho's came stepping out of the car behind Drake?

by B Swizzel in Hendertucky May 1, 2024

drake seat

Drake means like cool so drake seat is like the best sear

Anthony: I call the Drake Seat! *gets shotgun*

by Makian6 July 27, 2022

Carson Drake

The greatest pro wrestler in sports history

Wow the greatest wrestler in sports history is Carson Drake

by DrakeCB November 23, 2021

Carson Drake

The greatest pro wrestler in sports history

Wow the greatest wrestler in sports history is Carson Drake

by DrakeCB November 23, 2021