Source Code

First Day of Winter Nude

On the first day of every winter, anyone can use this coupon to receive a nude

Person 1: Yo girl, can I see sum

Person 2: Eww no

Person 1: But it's First Day of Winter Nude day
Person 2: Oh shit, that's my bad
*sends nude*

by . October 7, 2023


The most gorgeous girl around! On the short side but makes up for it with sarcastic comebacks. Sweet and creative with a major soft spot for Dr. Spencer Reid

Random person: Winter-Sheigh is a little shit.

Winter-Sheigh: Fuck you

by A loving Wife December 11, 2020

Ukelear Winter

n. Bleak post-apocalyptic future facing Northern Europe if madmen continue to pursue war.


Feel that evil in the air? It is the approach of ukelear winter.

by gnostic3 February 28, 2022

John Winter

An Idiot

What a John Winter
He's such a fuckign idiot

by Gay Joseph June 26, 2023

winter favre

A dingus but she is too sexy for everyone else. She enjoys eating children while they are alive and eats fat chickens.

"Do you know who that sexy dingus is?!"

"Thats Winter Favre!!"

by 12334567273763627273636362 June 12, 2014

winter favre

A dingus but she is too sexy for everyone else. She enjoys eating children while they are alive and eats fat chickens.

"Do you know who that sexy dingus is?!"

"Thats Winter Favre!!"

by 12334567273763627273636362 June 12, 2014

winter crust

When you fail to moisturize your lips in the winter, and your lips get crusty af.

Becky: "Oh my god, it's Jake!"
Samantha: "No girl, stay away, I see that winter crust on his lips."

by iluvdinosaurs February 6, 2017