Source Code

Urban Dictionray

₥áęįo Top: You tried to search urban dictionary on urban dictionary and mistyped it as: urban dictionray

Hi: I looked it up on urban dictionray
Hi_two: You mistyped a word
xd: i donţ khow waths qappenîŋg
3d - exīsts

by ˜ May 13, 2022

Urban Linguist

One who excels at making up new words for the Urban Dictionary

In my spare time I am an urban linguist!

by Lizard boots and Lipshitz August 14, 2019

Urban Magic

A modern setting were magic exists and is common knowledge. Depending on the setting either just magic is real or also mythical creatures (e.g. Dragons, Vampires, ...). Ladder leads to mythical creatures having normal proficiencies: A werewolf as dog care employee; A vampire doctor who knows by the taste of your blood what the problem is; ...

When magic takes place in a modern setting it may be an Urban Magic setting.

by Liss Füchsin April 9, 2023

Urban Squatter

A normie who still uses Urban Dictionary after they banned any "racist" definition.

That's not what that word means my man, lmao! You must be an urban Squatter. It's ok, we all need that one normie friend.

by JOHN123223 February 25, 2021

Urban addict

means A person addict to urban life

U a urban addict fo spendin time in urban area.

by Allahatopia November 24, 2018

Urban D**ktionary

A word no one shall ever use. I even had to censor it.
And i made the gif mario having fun with the air.

Urban Dictionary Hater: Urban Dictionary? More like Urban D**ktionary.
Anyone Else: (politely sends death threats to UDH)
UDH: (dies himself

by pseud0nym12470 April 13, 2024

Urban dictionary day yay this has been done before yay day

The day you not allowed to go on any other site except urban dictionary. 26th of December.

Person 1: oh hay it's urban dictionary day yay this has been done before yay day

Person 2: ok imma go on urban dictionary

by Kido123 December 25, 2020