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Upper Community

When you hear the word upper community you just want to kill yourself. Not only that you want to drink as much bleach possible.

Upper community is a community full of assholes, retards and just basic trash of people.

Ew it's the upper community faggots
He's from the upper community, If he is get him away from me.

by MCGNewZ October 21, 2016

Upper-decker Double Blumpkin

A dude sits atop the toilet tank and craps in it, facing forward. A woman (or man, I guess...) sits on the toilet backwards and also crals as s/he performs oral sex on the guy seated atop the tank.

What were you two doing in the bathroom so long?
I expelled every fluid imaginable thanks to getting an upper-decker double blumpkin.

by Terry O'Raynis April 4, 2023

upper dec

a response in which refers to anything that can be described as generally pretty good

How was your date?
She was upper dec.

by kathryn musle December 14, 2007

Upper Blowhardia

Upper Blowhardia: a new region near Berzerkistan inhabited by creatures known as Trumps, Becks and Limbaughs.

We don't take what he says seriously because he's from Upper Blowhardia and can't help himself.

by dchendo May 17, 2011

Upper deck baseball

The baseball team that will destroy anybody

Damn upper deck baseball just kicked our ass

by Udcbaseball April 22, 2021


The phrase used to describe the consumption of drugs (particularly MDMA) orally usually in the parachute form done by placing the substance in a small piece of toilet paper or similar material and consuming with a drink usually alcoholic or juice.

I’m probably going to do a one-upper with this M, it lasts way longer.

by Wolfraider May 18, 2020