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Hyperblastic nut

A nut so powerful it blows the shaft of a penis off

Man that guys in the Er from hyperblastic nut

by Mike sloth god May 30, 2018

I nutted in a duck

What you say when you nutted in a duck

You:yo i nutted in a duck last night
Friend: yo wtf

by Bendover559 June 10, 2022

nuts in your cookie

Someone who’s got a bun in the oven.

You got nuts in your cookie after your honeymoon?

by The Goon Eliminater December 1, 2019

Smoking nut

When you nut in a bong enough times so that you can smoke out of it.

"hey bro want to see me do the smoking nut?"

by 7003861311 May 29, 2021

Off my nut

your so high you don’t know what your doing where you are or why you even exist.
meaning that your so off your face you forget your own address and end up on a train headed for London

James:“i forgot i had existed again”
James:“i don’t know about you but i’m absolutely Off my nut”

by itz_jacd August 30, 2022

Nut Thoughts

The wide array of bad thoughts a man experiences for a few minutes after masturbation.

Directly at ter masturbating to a picture of his lifelong crush, he felt a little guilty and wondered if he even liked her at all, but those were just nut thoughts.

by Ianrayc March 15, 2019

Nut Tuck

When you get a medical procedure to lift your drooping nut sack otherwise know as a scrotal tuck/lift

Damn man, my balls are hanging so low I’m gonna have to get a Nut Tuck

by Toilet Nuts May 19, 2018