Source Code

Hurt shanni

Hurt shanni in anyway possible

I will hurt shanni

by Loner2710 September 21, 2021

The Hoots and the Hurts

Diarrhea and intestinal cramps.

He's got the hoots and the hurts.

by judge dredd7 December 2, 2012


One hundred time the normal level of butt-hurt. Highest form of being a sore loser.

Their team has been awful all season. Why are they so trump-hurt because they lost today.

by JAR724 November 7, 2020

Hurt “the hurt”

The hurt , a feeling of discomfort or pain brang upon yourself by pushing your body during physical exercise ! When one is hurting they generally are feeling a build up of lactic acid in the muscles and or there heart rate is through the roof ! The feeling is chased by some athletes.

Hurt “the hurt

by Kingkong2088 December 9, 2018

ear hurts so bad

ear hurts so bad.

ear hurts so bad.

by Debskelly1985 May 3, 2023

Ass hurt

Anyone who says im special fell sorry for me or dont say that im offended or thats a hate crime.

Tom is white yuck im gonna judje him and say hes a racist i was ass hurt when i found out he is married to a african american girl.

by Goto1134 March 3, 2021