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dime whore

A dime whore is a whore, who's also a 10/10

they're incredibly rare, and they don't stay 10/10 for long

person 1: you fuck whores dude? are you serious?
person 2: yeah, but they're dime whores man...

by America1776America November 18, 2020


Military three shift schedule composed of 5 hours on/10 hours off.

What's the shift schedule this deployment?


by PhilM80 October 20, 2022

Five and Dime

When you are a Five and your significant other is a Ten.

Alternatively could be your nickname and your significant other is a Ten.

Hey look there's Five and Dime!

by TLNTD69 October 24, 2023

dusty dime

A fairly attractive older lady who obviously used to be a dime piece back in the day.

"Yo, check out that milf"
"Yeah she is a dusty dime alright"

"Yo, check out that milf"
"Yeah she is a dusty dime"

"Yo, have you seen the bikini photos of Jack's mom?"
"Yeah dude she is a dusty dime alright "

by Keiththeturk August 25, 2015

loose dime

a beautiful female willing to have sex

I found loose dime at the club last night and brought her home.

by bunnymux June 3, 2015