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when the corn is past it’s prime

simple, when taylor’s cooch is so far up, you can smell the corn!

hey pooh! look at taylor, that corn is coochie! when the corn is past it’s prime

by squigglysquirrels99 October 17, 2019

when the corn is past it’s prime

simple, when taylor’s cooch is so far up, you can smell the corn!

hey pooh! look at taylor, that corn is coochie! when the corn is past it’s prime

by squigglysquirrels99 October 17, 2019

Rainbow Paste

A mixture of chewed up Skittles in the mouth to make a rainbow-like paste. This usually occurs after eating a couple of skittles and just chewing them.

Dude 1: Dude you have Rainbow Paste in your mouth lmao

Dude 2: Fucc u mean Ni🅱️🅱️a?


by Unexpected_Jihad_LEL December 7, 2017

That ass is past due

Has large buttocks and or bottom

Darren saw Indi the other day and exclaimed, “ That ass is past due” in hopes to get her attention.

by OG_Savage23 July 28, 2023

Shoe paste

Liquid that emerges from someone's foot

Sally has been sent to the doctor with a case of Shoe paste.

by WassabiChild February 22, 2017

Copy-Paste Face

When someone's face is exactly the same in every one of their photos/selfies they have a "copy-paste face". It's as if someone cut out their face from one photo and pasted it in every other photo.

Barb: look at my photos from my vacation in Vegas, Sharon! I had so much fun.
Sharon: *looks at photos* I'm sorry to tell ya, Barb. But you have a copy-paste face. You look exactly the same in every photo!

by Chocolaitchipcookie September 22, 2016

Baby Paste

The stuff that Kayla makes when she is excited...

Wow, Kayla. You absolutely covered my balls in your baby paste!

by Pineapple Snapper March 1, 2018