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kittens whisper

The moment you stand up wipe and walk away and the invisible mother cat licks your ring and out pops more poop

Bob thought he was done but then the kittens whisper happened

by ElPedro December 2, 2021

shout whispering

When you’ve been whispering for so long, you forget that you’re trying to be quiet. What started as a whisper ends up getting louder and louder, and eventually you’re shout whispering!

Eve, keep the noise down - you’re parents are asleep in bed”
“I’m whispering, Caroline!”
“No, Eve. You’re shout whispering! You’re louder than normal speaking volume!”

by Caroline2207 February 10, 2018

Shout Whispering

When you try to whisper quietly but you’ve been whispering for so long, you forget to be quiet and you whisper louder and louder, until it sounds like shouting

“Eve, don’t forget to whisper, your parents are in bed”
“I am whispering, Caroline!”
“No, Eve... that’s shout whispering. You’re louder than normal speaking volume...”
“Am I?? Ok sorry, I’ll be quiet.”

by Caroline2207 February 10, 2018

kitty whisperer

(pro-noun): one who is overtly adept at causing the female orgasm to repeatedly occur.

"Dude: That guy looks like he could clear a room full of women with one smile."
Other dude: " That guy? He's a total kitty whisperer! Ask any of those women! Why do you think he has his 8" tongue hanging out his mouth?"

by clintopantochino February 18, 2018

wog whispering

one who goes out of his/her way to appear and act as though they are of Greek/Italian/Turkish ect, decent. surrounding themselves with people of these origins, trying to pick up language terms and develop a 'wog accent' themselves.
usually being of Asian or Anglo decent...they ain't fooling nobody!

-have you heard Gary talk lately? he's picked up this strange want-to-be Greek accent.
-Yeah, he's been 'wog whispering' ever since he started hanging around with Stavros and Con.

by dr greasy January 24, 2012

whisper box

A whisper box is an intimate way to refer to a woman's genetalia.
As if it is a beautiful secret that is waiting to be discovered.

I longed to unlock her whisper box

by Queenofthewhsiperboxes February 27, 2016

whisper box

A whisper box is an intimate way to describe a women's genetalia.
As if unlocking a beautiful secret.

I longed to unleash her whisper box.

by Queenofthewhsiperboxes February 27, 2016