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monkey swinging on a vine

When you have a bogger hanging from a nose hair, similiar to bats in a cave.

My girlfriend got mad at me because I had a monkey swinging on a vine dangling down from my nose.

by dwoper1 July 5, 2017

Swinging dick

when a M2F ride a dick,her dick will swinging in a very cute way

My girl Kelly have a very adorable swinging dick

by Dopeternet January 21, 2019

Emo Swing

The "Emo Swing" is the act of someone hanging him or herself/death by hanging. It's used sarcastically as a way of saying someone's going to kill him or herself.

"How I feel? Other than wanting to do the Emo Swing I'm fine."

by I Wanna Kill Myself July 16, 2017

duval swing

black girl punch

1: hey did you see that fight between Quanshey and Rabacca?

2: hell yeah, Quanshey pulled that duval swing shit on her

by yoloswagmoneyboss101 December 29, 2017

Western swing

When you and your buddy play Brokeback Mountain in the back of your truck.

Those guys are into Western swing

by Spicy watermelon July 26, 2022