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Collector's Curse

Collector's Curse is the strange situation where someone will buy large quantities of random items (cloth dolls, physical game bundles, pop figures, etc.) in a sporadic shopping spree. This is usually done by said person in hopes that, one day during their lifetime, said objects will be worth a fortune.

Similar to:

Randal bought out all of Wal-Mart's fish tank decorations. I think he may have the Collector's Curse

by Charnime October 25, 2023

cursing fit

Term for somebody who blurts out a lot of profanity within a short period of time.

Man, he had a cursing fit today because his computer wasn't working.

by The Real Driller November 1, 2021

cursing fit

When you get frustrated you also begin swearing a lot.

There was this one guy three cubes down from me and when he came to a problem he didn't know how to solve, he would start having a cursing fit, and he is so loud.

by The Real Driller November 12, 2021

Maya curse

a curse where someone can't type properly

hey gusy Imn board
Maya curse: can't type properly

by dudelovescake July 12, 2024

the letter-curse

the letter-curse is a curse where a girl tends to kiss with boys who shares the same first letter in their last name.

"look at that girl kissing with Johnny Berg"
"yesterday she kissed Christian Bannister"

"she must be suffering from the letter-curse"

by Derrick Denmark July 25, 2014

rafis curse

a situation where you get a 999pp (performace point) play on osu!standard, originating from Rafis' 999.48pp play on prima stella (999.5 would have been considered as a 1k)

lifeline got rafis curse

by sawchain5 July 1, 2023

curse of action

It’s a curse - it’s an action

It’s a curse of action

Person A: do u know what is a curse of action?

Person B: No I don’t, no one does

by Ihatefeet_theyscareme February 28, 2022