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Lincoln’s are guy with huge penises. They are amazing in bed they will eat you like pizza. They like hot girls that are thic.

Girl 1: Holy shit that is a Lincoln
Girl 2: He definitely has a HUGE penis

by Kenna Soulek July 5, 2019


Lincoln is an ugly ass faggot, he probably tries to rape his cats for fucks sakes, he looks super emo and has no friends. Probably cause hes a man whore

Ewwwwwwwww who's that ugly man whore

Ugh him, thas Lincoln, hes a faggot so stay away from him

by Suckmyfuckingdickyoufaggots September 18, 2023



Lincoln is so daddy right now

by daddyhunter69420 December 31, 2022

The Lincoln Treatment

When a young sister refuses recommendations made by her older brother even though she would be inclined to accept them if made by anybody else. The term is derived from the original refused recommendation: to watch the movie Lincoln

“Hey juman let’s watch Austin powers, it’s really funny” -brother
“No” -sister
“You’re giving it the Lincoln treatment

by PubliusFed May 31, 2022


When someone is assassinated while distracted by any form of entertainment.

News reporter: Last week a Carolina man was lincolned in his own home while watching Nascar

by ShrimpBBQ November 16, 2022

Lincoln middle school

The best of the 4 Lincolnton schools where we are not racist cousin fuckers like west or suck at football and wrestling like north and we ain't rich ass snobs from east. We the better school

U hear about Lincoln middle school?

Yeah it's the best middle school in lincoln county

by That_one_redhead_kid February 27, 2021

Lincoln Park Highschool

A high school located at Chicago in the Lincoln Park neighborhood, is home to the Lincoln Park Lions. While being located at one of the richest neighborhoods in all of Illinois, the school absolutely looks outdated and old fashioned, most of the classrooms don’t even have promethean boards, and tue portion sizes of the school lunches are shit. Literally the most you will have is 8 chicken nuggets (usually you will get 6). Most of the school lunches’ budget goes to their package bags and not to their food. The school is pretty mixed to many types of groups and students. While it’s prohibited for freshmen to have off campus lunch, many freshmen do so anyways (usually goes to nearby subway, 7-11, or target). The bathrooms are filthy as all public bathrooms usually are. The school is located right next to oz park where some of the school hang out in.

Honestly, LP is not too outrageous or extra ordinary. It’s a simple highschool with a shitty football team that sucks dog balls. 0-80 game , it’s so horrible…

Lincoln Park Highschool’s football team is so hot garbage.

by Phuc Yuu November 3, 2021