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fuck me gently with a chainsaw

this phrase is used by heather chandler from heathers. its basically when you cant find a word strong enough to describe a situation and fuck doesnt work

person a: dude have you seen timmy? i lost him at the park a few days ago and his parents are coming back tomorrow. hes the kid im babysitting
person b: no i havent seen him
person a: fuck me gently with a chainsaw

by bastard orphan son of a whore September 7, 2023

fuck me gently with a chainsaw

a late 80's twist on 'gag me with a spoon' an expression of disgust, annoyance -or both. usually associated with young entitled females

you expect me to drink TAP water?? fuck me gently with a chainsaw.

by sesa me July 28, 2024

Are You Fucking Me Bro!

1. WOW Are You Serious?
2. You’re Joking
3. What The Hell?

Are You Fucking Me Bro! That’s So Fake

by YakisobaRage May 2, 2020

fuck me dad

When you forget the 'dy' when sexting.

man: hey bbg
girl: omg im so horny
girl: fuck me dad
man: bitch im not ur dad
girl: sorry i meant to type daddy
man: we're done whore

by arkenbarben September 24, 2020

Fuck me off

To have sexual intercourse with the male counterpart

Ragefacestudios:Fuck me off
Person : thats pretty gay but sure .

by CurvaceousGorilla June 5, 2021

are you trying to fuck with me?

don't mess with me

are you trying to fuck with me?

by Khado April 15, 2017

Fuck me and the horse I flew in on

Reference to the sacred love making of Cleopatra and the prince of Persia when they had a ceremonious sexual bonfire in which the Pegasus was born and learnt how to fly. Commonly used by the Gyllenhaal family when they are wondering why their youngest son Jake is tardy.

Mom... where's Jake?!?
well Maggie- remember he had improv class today?!
ugh... well fuck me and the horse I flew in on.
*in unison* that's are Jakey!!!

by thin dick little May 2, 2019