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drag the bag

When you bring the old lady with you to a party or get-together where they are likely not wanted nor invited.

When you drag the bag, the whole night is RUINED.
You never drag the bag when coming to the strip joint for guys' night out...WTF!!!

by DJ NoneYoBiznessDog April 26, 2018

gag drag

When a draw of a cigarette is followed by a gag reflex

Dude I just had the biggest gag drag in the car, I nearly vomited on myself

by cmitty October 30, 2015

Car Dragged

It's like being jet lagged, but you traveled in a car.

I just drove 16 hours straight from Chicago to Orlando, I'm car dragged.

by Mr.Chilly June 24, 2023


Someone who nags other people repeatedly about petty things in a tiresome way.

Allison: You're wearing that? Nobody thinks that's cool.

Hannah: Nobody cares but you.
Allison: You are so uncool! You should have clothes like mine. You have no sense of style. You don't know what's cool. Everything you wear is lame. Why are you so lame? (continues talking with no self-awareness)
Terri: What a nag-drag!

by dictionaryenchantress June 12, 2022

bag and drag

A common hospital phrase that involves transporting an intubated patient from one area to another.

Sorry Bob, that fleet enema in slot 18 will have to wait. Jerry and I are going on a bag and drag up to the ICU with that fat fuck in the observation unit.

by DickChainy November 7, 2020

Common Drag L

When a certain individual named drag fails to perform a simple task and fails miserably.

Drag fails to get a easy kill in valorant "Common Drag L"

by SadTofu November 29, 2022

drag and drop

Action of the less-invested person in a relationship that keeps it going for far longer than it should, eventually ending with that person dumping the other.

- Did you hear what Mark did to Anna?
- Yeah, they were together for like 6 years, he cheated on her, and then they broke up. Classic DRAG AND DROP.

by Mike Z^2 October 4, 2008