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whip a plate at the wall

something nonsensical and somewhat not needed nor effective or ethical

he oncw sat up in his bed yelled Wheres Bulbasaur Then he whip a plate at the wall

by darkclaw wolfgod October 10, 2022

Plate Pirate

When you ask your significant other if they want anything to eat and they decline, but then proceed to take food from your plate when you sit down to eat.

I'm eating in the car because I live with a plate pirate who's constantly trying to plunder my booty.

by the_urban_oracle February 22, 2021


Acting like you don’t love someone

Oh she’s plating ne

by Isityeye December 16, 2022


Going down and bringing your girlfriend off orally

My bird really loves a good plating

by Mr Hungry August 5, 2023

Homosexual Hall of Fame Plate Cleaner

It means your caseoh if he was sucking dick

That dude is a Homosexual Hall of Fame Plate Cleaner”

by Other worldy insults July 31, 2024