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Trying to find who asked

Something gingers say when they are losing the argument.

Joey: your gay
Brendan: I’m trying to find who asked, let’s have anal sex
Joey: who asked
Also Joey: gets arrested for insulting a girl

by Bill cosby’s boyfriend June 9, 2023

National ask out crush day

june 23, national ask out your crush out day! maybe they’ll even say yes to you, go get em!

hey! it’s national ask out crush day, have you asked your crush out yet, i think he likes you!

by your main hoe g June 23, 2020

Asking a dumb

When you're about to ask a question, then realize that it would be better not to.

I was going to ask her what her kinks were, but then I realized I'd be asking a dumb.

by ledlebrgr September 7, 2018

Ask, I didn't

Yoda when he is unamused with your irrelevant remarks.

hmmmmmm, ask, i didn't.

by RomanFoam March 2, 2022