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Parts Room

Incest. And loving on my sister

My sisters parts room is amazing

by D&L4Evr February 17, 2022

So I've seen parts of your, just make sure you post it into google classroom ok?

The teacher talking to you nicely saying to you to do your god damn work now.

The word "So I've seen parts of your, just make sure you post it into google classroom ok?" is used whenever a teacher wants you to do your work right now so you at least get a C for your school report so you don't have to talk to your parents about it with them.

by August 19, 2024

ecofreak - part 2

They have zero idea that the natural cycle of Earth's climate has resulted in several millennia-long Ice Ages and without global warming, those Ice Ages would resume and half the world will look like Greenland.

They have zero idea that 71% of ALL carbon emissions globally are created by only 100 companies mainly based in China and India (with a similar number for microplastics in the ocean), and when confronted with this fact, they merely parrot 'we can still do all we can to save the planet individually'.

Even when fixated on valid issues such as bio-reusability, deforestation, and microplastics, they take things to an extreme such as only buying brands that use 100% recycled materials, separating glass from paper from plastic when recycling, using only metal or paper straws, using the same reusable paper bag when shopping, and exclusively voting for a Green party irrespective of its economic or sociopolitical viability, as long as it 'saves the environment'.

"How dare you." - Greta Thunberg

(ecofreak - part 2)

by Ashraile November 9, 2022

Parts Hero

Someone that does not know how to properly diagnose, an engine, appliance or computer just to start replacing parts to fix the problem. This may or may not be a good option to make the engine or appliance run. Furthermore it may end up costing the non-schooled technician to spend more money than need be.

I didn't have proper diagnostic computers to fix the car so I became a parts hero and started replacing what I thought was broke until the problem went away.

by June 26, 2022

Part time homo

A closet homosexual that only receives the male penis part of the time.

Hey that dude is a part time homo.

by White will September 6, 2008