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Jed cunt

This saying is very popular around the south east Queensland area the turn Jed cunt is used as oppose to a swear word

**brake your leg **

“ fucking Jed cunt my legs broken “

“Where did my durrys go “?

“ Jed cunt “

by slicey.greenberg. December 12, 2020

Edgy Cunt

Albi Steele

That elf looking ass Albi Steele is a fucking Edgy Cunt

by JohnThiccTheBeanLord June 13, 2019

expanding cunt

1. a cunt that expands when it has a baby coming out of it
2. a cunt that expands when an overly large penis is inserted
3. a cunt that expands with a full packet of custard creams 'up there'

look at that expanding cunt, you cunt muffin crack whore. i'm gonna pop a cap in his expanding cunt ass

by room a October 18, 2008

skitz cunt

fucken crazy and fucked

"im about to sink this cone"

"this is going to be so skitz cunt!"

by 420 gang August 18, 2023

cunt pox

fucking shit m8

The sleeping man was struck with cunt pox.

by wackycracker July 5, 2015