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Heavens god strats

Heavens god strats, also known as how to lose a game whithin 10 seconds, are some very good strats.

Heavens god strats

Oh no, heavens saying his god strats again...

by Heaven gayboy September 21, 2020


A person who lives in the heaven.

This is like the word 'Villager'

She died and probably became a heavener.
I am a heavener.

by vr_stl December 6, 2022

Who says heaven is white?

A phrase mostly used by religious southern Americans meaning an unexpected, yet pleasant surprise. Basically "a surprise, to be sure, but a welcome one" in yeehaw slang.

"I hope it was okay for me to bring Billy with me for dinner, I forgot to ask" "Of course! who says heaven is white?"

I thought I was gonna fail this exam, but turns out I passed! My god, who says heaven is white!"

by GentleLad March 6, 2019

pony heaven

(n) a place where horses go to when they die and then have horse sex

its okay... Sally is in pony heaven giving one last ride

by ISulliedMyself September 15, 2019

pleasure heaven

When someone’s body feels beyond Heaven from pleasure and the person experiencing it passes out when done.

Person 1: what happened last night?
Person 2: I took you to Pleasure Heaven

by TARDISBoy1 October 17, 2023

Pennies From Heaven

The delectable dish of perfectly microwaved hotdogs sliced to perfection and folded into the cheesiest macaroni and cheese creating a pleasurable meal comparable only to the feeling you get when Pennie’s fall from heaven.

Man I’m so down in the dumps. I can really
Use some Pennies from heaven to fill my belly and my soul.

by MaC AnD ChEe October 18, 2021

pennies from heaven

a song that gets the whole group going shooby dooby #d10

hey alexa play pennies from heaven”
hell yea

by Carly the hore January 17, 2022