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adventure strap

the strap located on the back of crocs footwear that are activated in full adventure mode holding the heel of the foot in the shoe more secure.

oh, going on a hike? time to put on my adventure strap!

by horsegal123 July 17, 2018

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hypothetical adventure

when you are zoning out and possibly high as shit and you go on thinking about a hypothetical situation in great detail for a long time

guy 1: dude what are you looking at?
guy 2: oh! yeah man i just went on a hypothetical adventure thinking about what would happen if I ever told my wife about the night a did her sister, and apparently she would take a bat to my car and then put me in the hospital
guy 1: yeah I can see that happening

by Matt Clements January 6, 2008

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photo adventure

n. An epic journey in which you take fantasticful photographs.

We are going on a photo adventure!

by better than Tophy May 26, 2010

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adventure timing

Tripping on acid/shrooms, or any hallucinatory drug; so much so that you experience a cartoonish, alternate reality.

A reference to the Cartoon Network show "Adventure Time."

Person 1: "Hey man, I just bought some LSD."
Person 2: "Sick, wanna go adventure timing?"
Person 1: "Yeah, I'm ready to see Lady Rainicorn in person. What time is it?"
Persons 1 and 2: "Adventure time!"

by DJ GeoSpec February 18, 2011

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Kirby's adventure

a awsome Kirby game made for the NES in 1993 (the late years for the NES), it was the first Kirby game where Kirby could copy his enemy's powers and abilities and use them for his advantage. It has SNES graphics despite being on the NES.

In Kirby's adventure, Kirby could copy abilities of his enemies such as the ability to breath fire and ice wind, use a sword or a hammer or even turn into a ball or a UFO, ext

by the Harmeister October 16, 2005

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Adventure Time

The best show ever that can only be explained in one word that still isn't good enough, AWESOME.

We can't get home to late because then we might miss the best TV show in the world, Adventure Time.

by tomatoesforcharity December 24, 2011

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Adventure Rock

Rock and Roll music that takes you on an adventure. Similar to Adventure Metal, the umbrella term of adventure rock also encompasses the softer genres. All Adventure Rock music shares characteristics in name, style, and subject matter. Bands often have names depicting destinations or traveling, such as Journey, Kansas, Boston, Foreigner, Rush. AND/OR they create songs with different movements and fancy solos and develop fantastic and epic sounds and experiences: Queen, Tesla, Van Halen, Whitesnake. The ultimate Adventure Rock band is, of course, Led Zeppelin.

I made an Adventure Rock compilation for our road trip!

by Faye McMoppinheimer November 1, 2010

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