Source Code


BSF: Butt Sex Friday's. A day of the week where you exclusive have butt sex/anal sex.

Kyle: what is BSF?
Josh: Butt Sex Friday's

Kyle: Oh, I love BSF!

by RagNasty November 1, 2020


Brown special friend

Aye your my brown special friend... bsf

by Patel56 May 27, 2019


best sex friend best friend you have sex with

Alt night was great I hung out with my bsf ;)

by Yhnhjk September 5, 2022


BallSack Factor
The BallSack Factor is calculated by the difference in the height of your balls divided by the length of your lowest hanging ball. The difference of the balls is measured from the center point of the upper and lower ball. The length is determined by measuring the distance between the base of the ball sack to the lowest point of the ball sack.

BSF = Δballsack / ℓ ballsack

How is your BSF doing? Are you hitting double digits yet?
Almost! My BSF was around 9.7 this morning, what about yours?
No way bro! My BSF was only 0.5 :(

by Monsieur Ballzaque February 13, 2023

gay bsf day

a day for ur gay bsf

happy gay bsf day!!!

by sjdjjwidjwjsjateahdiwnduwnxne August 1, 2023

the bsf combo

when 2-3 people like/liked you and they're all bestfriends (pronounced b-s-f, meaning: best friend).

person 1: "hey I heard that Jake and dave like you alongside with john!"

person 2: "looks like I got the bsf combo!

by ur.mom_ November 25, 2021

Embarrass your bsf day

On the 17th on June is embarrass you bsf day where you get to post or expose cute or funny photos of them

Oh hi today is embarrass your bsf day enjoy it

by zazaisswag June 17, 2022