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Portable classroom

a type of portable building installed at a school to temporarily and quickly provide additional classroom space where there is a shortage of capacity

Portable classroom is colloquially known as bungalows, slum classes, t-shacks, trailers, terrapins, huts, t-buildings, portables, or relocatables

by Wendysfg June 27, 2023

Portable classroom

A type of portable building installed at a school to temporarily and quickly provide additional classroom space where there is a shortage of capacity.

Portable classrooms are the best.

by SPrice1980 April 24, 2022

So I've seen parts of your, just make sure you post it into google classroom ok?

The teacher talking to you nicely saying to you to do your god damn work now.

The word "So I've seen parts of your, just make sure you post it into google classroom ok?" is used whenever a teacher wants you to do your work right now so you at least get a C for your school report so you don't have to talk to your parents about it with them.

by August 19, 2024