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Dorf dorf

A shockingly tall ogre who loves to inflict pain with her egotistical acts. Dorf Dorf brings nothing but a dark cloud. She also lacks a brain.

“What’s a Dorf Dorf?”

Dont ever speak of that name again. Only pain and suffering follows.”

by Bohuslava April 8, 2021


When one of your mandem stabs you in the back and dates the girl you been chasing. You wait until they end and slide into her DMs to get a revenge pining in.

C: I can't believe it's all over... She and I were together so long.

T: Yeaaaaa... My brother just dorfed you

by spaceman09 April 22, 2021


The consistent state of being a dorf often finds themselves in.

Tim: "Did you guys see Early last week? He was so dorfed that he shit himself then went around asking people who did it!"

by Master chunks July 12, 2021