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Pennsylvania Gas Chamber

When you absolutely shit your pantaloons in a vehicle while all of the windows are up, similar to a mega dutch oven Everyone smells it and the driver crashes the car, killing everyone because of the cancerous stench. The scent lingers in the area for three years until it eventually smells like a bloody period queef and vaporizes into the atmosphere.

Yesterday I turned the car into a Pennsylvania Gas Chamber because of the Taco Bell I had an hour before.

by i snort queefs 420 October 4, 2018

Gas chamber

When a group acts as an echo chamber of the same gaslighting narrative. A portmanteau of gaslighting and echo chamber.

His polycule is a toxic gas chamber and unless I talk to someone outside of it I feel crazy.

by cvolny October 17, 2020

Gas Chamber

when you fart on an elevator

man i just went up to floor 47 and it felt like i was in a gas chamber the whole time i was i there

by Paradizzi March 17, 2023

gas chamber

A small room used to gas people.
Also used on jews by the nazi.

Die in a gas chamber!
I know jew-jitsu, I call this one "The Gas Chamber!"

by cooldude=) August 1, 2017

Gas chamber

When you hotbox a car and start fucking someone

Last night when I fucked my girlfriend, I fucked her gas chamber style

by 99centvicfuentes June 16, 2023

Gas chamber

A sex position where y’all hotbox a car and start fucking

Hey man you got condoms me and my gf were think of fucking gas chamber style

by 99centvicfuentes June 16, 2023

Gas chamber

It is when you rip a nice one while receiving head by a female and then you put your pants over her head and trap in your fumes.

Bro on saturday night i pulled a gas chamber with a girl she almost killed me.

by Luca dargenio September 21, 2021