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Janice Foundation

A foundation in which one donates to when they get paid so frequently that they find themselves unsure of what to do with it.

"Bra I b makin' dem fat stak$, I aint kno wer to lay lo dis dough"
"Why, clearly you should donate it to the Janice Foundation good sir!"

by Not_A_Red_Head August 9, 2012

simp for Janice


Tomy is always a simp for Janice

by Don Yo Mom January 1, 2021

Alyssa Janice

Someone who is overly sexy. Someone who you look at and you’re like holy shit id put a baby in that

Damn Alyssa Janice is fuckin sexy id put a baby in her quicker then a dog eats it’s vomit

by Lissykinsz01 May 6, 2019

1👍 1👎

Janice Jones

someone who gambles Rivets money away and gives me head during faculty meetings

stop being a greedy Janice Jones

by Joe Hopf December 17, 2019




by Sus boi February 27, 2022


Janice is suicidal 😉

my friend is suicidal
“she must be a janice

by xxx.darling.uk February 20, 2023


she’s a hot redhead or she’s you’re grandmother.

damn girl my grandma’s name was Janice too.”

by azymin July 22, 2023