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A combination of legitimately and literally. Used to describe something that is both legitimate and literal.

I legiterally have no idea how to use this in a sentence.

There's legiterally no reason why this word should exist. You can use either "legitimate" or "literally" on their own.

by level100orbiter July 24, 2019


Legiterally: something being so real that it's a mixture of legit and literally

The bread station is legiterally so awesome

by har.dyrt March 30, 2023


An admixture of “literally” & “legitimately”

1: Used to emphasize accuracy and truth.

2: A satirical term mocking the way Valley Girls/The Kardashians speak.

3: Meant to be said/used in a partially disingenuous or sarcastic tone/way but with an element of verity.

4: Possibly used to soothe discomfort or cut an awkward silence in a stale conversation.

5: Used to poke fun at seemingly materialistic topics or people.

Judy: “omg my hair was so big at prom, I legit looked liked a bobble head doll.”
Barbara: “oh my god, like, legiterately.”

by Constantine_Rubby December 25, 2019


A combination of the words “legitimate” and “literally.” A word to emphasize something with absolute certainty, or to describe something that seriously happened. Can also be used in a surprised or shocked manner.

“I legiterately forgot my keys in the car!”

by Captain Yoho August 11, 2023


True. Honest.

This word is created to offer an alternative to the often misused word “literal”. People love the “umph” and emphasis of the word “literal” (and “literally”). The word LEGITERAL does not require the same rarely attainable conditions for its widespread use, yet it still provides the same “umph” and emphasis, if not more.

I legiterally blew my stack when I heard the bad news.

by Moi Doi May 28, 2021