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Lincoln Aggravator

Full-sized Ford SUV driven by arguably the most self-centered drivers in North America.

Look at that Lincoln Aggravator parked in the Fire Lane...LAME!

by sandspit October 23, 2007

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Lincoln Heights

A predominately Mexican and Asian ghetto hood located in North East Los Angeles. The neighborhood is known to have the street gangs, LHTS (Lincoln Heights) and East Side Clover both being formed in the early 1900s making them two of the oldest active gangs in Los Angeles, along with the Eastlake gang, Happy Valley gang, and many other small gangs, tagging crews, and cliques. It is the epitome of a ghetto with lowriders, project housing, drive bys, stabbings, ghetto birds circling around at least once a day, etc.

Hey you wanna kick it in Lincoln Heights?
Nah I aint trying to get shot

by Djvuesnbkehdvsna August 10, 2017

38๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Lincoln Cocked

When someone is beaten unbelievably bad at something such as sports, video games, trivia, or arson. Abraham Lincoln had a monster cock and gave extreme discomfort when blasting someone up the ass. Hence, the term Lincoln cocked was born.

-"Dude, you got Lincoln Cocked at table tennis yesterday."

-"yeah, he beat me pretty bad"

by John Cocktoastun February 23, 2009

17๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Noobraham Lincoln

What you call someone who is has a particularly lame beard. Typically this person will have a fuzzy neck beard, even after months and months of letting it grow out.

A: Hey, check out my beard man!

B: Wow, that looks terrible. How long have you been growing it?

A: Almost six month now. I think it's coming in nicely.

B: Ya, ok... Noobraham Lincoln.

by Noobraham Lincoln May 30, 2008

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Abroham Lincoln

Someone who emancipates a bro or bros from a party or bar to a better party or bar.

"I told you this place was packed."

"Yeah, you're a regular Abroham Lincoln."

by DRap316 January 12, 2009

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the full lincoln

Having sex for 3 hours, which is the length span of the movie 'Lincoln'

"I took her back to my house, and we did the full Lincoln"

by shitbearwalker April 10, 2014

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babraham lincoln

A Babe. Like from Wayne's World.

Wayne Campbell: Cassandra. She's a fox. In French she would be called "la renarde" and she would be hunted with only her cunning to protect her.
Garth Algar: She's a babe.
Wayne Campbell: She's a robo-babe. In Latin she would be called "babia majora".
Garth Algar: If she were a president she would be Baberaham Lincoln.

by I like chocolate milk. August 25, 2005

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