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Mucky bum

Mucky bum is the result of passing copious amounts of excrement and having it stick to unusually long anal hair.

I have a bit of a mucky bum this morning dude.

by RideshareLingo November 30, 2019

Mucky Moody

When you poke your girlfriend up the arse and then wipe your fingers on your sunday lunch and cook it in the oven.

After sunday lunch, i served the pudding which was a mucky moody.

by Kipperminted Fry January 6, 2009

Mucky Pie

When you slam it straight out of the arse straight in to the gob. Direct arse to mouth train.

That girl was filthy she let me mucky pie on the first date.

by Bandicoot B June 26, 2024

mucky spanial

When a girl proceeds to lick our a dirty crusty bum ring, whilst having a shit next to their dog who has a life threatening tumor

I performed a mucky spanial yesterdayx

by Mucky spanial January 24, 2023