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The act of getting caught by your fiancé going through your browser history and seeing you have infatuation with Rusty Trombones and girls with a cup.

Shit guys, I got sanged today when Karen saw my search history and dumped me.

by Albatrossers February 10, 2022

sang moon day

Usually a term used to describe the best day ever;
The term is usually used in professional golf tournaments

When a players posts an unbelievable round leading to a victory.
The term originated at the 2015 Barclays in Plainfield, New Jersey

Jordan Speith was having himself a sang moon day when he won the U.S Open.

by Sang moon day August 31, 2015


The act of being horny

"Damn boi, look at that woman"

"Shit, Im sange"

by MbekGeming February 20, 2022


A guy who is who loves and respects girls. A guy who is Vibey and extraordinary

That guy is so Sange!

by Schumacher 09 November 24, 2021


nickname for the name cassie. cassie -cassandra - sange. people with the nickname sange must have an appropriate surname as well. sanges are often clumsy and deaf and fall in love with people that couldnt give two flying monkeys about them.

Sange, dont forget to bring in the washing!”

by Sange wankers 😍 June 10, 2023

Yoon Sang You

The juiciest man to ever roll on this Earth. If you lie him down he can be used as a trampoline. If you have a fetish for Korean people you're in luck; you can use him as your personal body pillow cause boy is he soft! Guess you can call him your comfort man.

Person 1: "3 more days until our food supply runs out. Our village of 30 will surely starve!"
Person 2: "Don't worry! We still have Yoon Sang You to harvest! His blubber shall bring an end to our malnourishment."

by Minecraft Master November 6, 2020

Sang Nila Utama

It is a name. Sang Nila Utama is the TRUE founder of Singapore. Do not argue this TRUE fact.

"Sang Nila Utama, see a lion alamak, name the village singapura then run very far!"

by SAY GOOGBYEEEEE April 24, 2022